Digital micrometer 0818 with disc type anvils

Digital micrometer for measuring gear tooth widths with 30 mm direct measuring range and 2 mm spindle thread pitch.



  • to measure teeth widths for external gear measurements

Detailed Information

  • Measuring range 30 mm
  • Linear measuring system, directly within Abbe measuring axis
  • Reversabale counting (in case of ingoing spindle the display value increases)
  • (Non-rotating) Floating spindle for high repeat accuracy, 2 mm pitch
  • Switchable resolution of 0.5 µm, 1 µm & 10 µm
  • Preset adjusting via spindel possible
  • Protection class IP65
  • Inch conversion metric mm / inch
  • Interface Proximity (Sylvac) for data transfer to measuring computer, wireless or cable
  • Input and saving of PRESET and tolerance values
  • Min- / Max-value memory
  • Switchable resolution 10 µm, 1 µm, 0,5 µm; 0,0005“, 0,00005“, 0,00002“
  • Spindle pitch 2,0 mm
  • Spindle type non-rotating
  • Measuring force by ratchet approx. 7 N
  • Disc-diameter 25 mm / 30 mm
  • Hight 7 segment display 12 mm
  • Interface Proximity (Sylvac)
  • Protection class IP65
  • Software functions MIN MAX, MIN-MAX Mem., HOLD, preset with rotary knob
  • Errorlimit MPE < 3 µm
Application range Order No. measuring disk Ø25  Order No. measuring disk Ø25 with lifting option Order No. measuring disk Ø30   Order No. measuring disk Ø30 with lifting option
0 - 30 mm 76 0818 001 20 76 0818 051 20 76 0818 101 20 76 0818 151 20
25 - 55 mm 76 0818 002 20 76 0818 052 20 76 0818 102 20 76 0818 152 20
50 - 80 mm 76 0818 003 20 76 0818 053 20 76 0818 103 20 76 0818 153 20
75 - 105 mm 76 0818 004 20 76 0818 054 20 76 0818 104 20 76 0818 154 20
100 - 130 mm 76 0818 005 20 76 0818 055 20 76 0818 105 20 76 0818 155 20
125 - 155 mm 76 0818 006 20 76 0818 056 20 76 0818 106 20 76 0818 156 20
150 - 180 mm 76 0818 007 20 76 0818 057 20 76 0818 107 20 76 0818 157 20
175 - 205 mm 76 0818 008 20 76 0818 058 20 76 0818 108 20 76 0818 158 20
Othe application ranges and disk diameters available upon request



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